Random Musings...
I lost my scarf over the weekend. I think it was at one of the two movie theaters I went to. I have lost countless gloves and two hats in the past, but never a scarf. Luckily I was able to buy one at Payless for only $6. I love Christmas sales for buying myself things. Speaking of myself, Prince E gave me yet another gift over the weekend. I am so spoiled it is a bit nauseating. Although he assured me that I am rather deserving of all of my gifts. I do wash his laundry and make him dinner after all. I stayed up too late last night watching the Bears. As a result I am too tired to do all of the things I should be doing. I am leaving for Michigan early on Wednesday and have a lot to do still: laundry, pack, finish making one more present, get all the gifts together, etc. Bloglines is down for scheduled maintenance...which means that I will have 120 posts to read in the morning. Which isn't good because I have work to finish up. Sorry for the incoherent rambling post, but I am sleepy.
Below is a photo of me in a box that Prince E's new printer came in. I am not sure why the box was so big.

Below is a photo of me in a box that Prince E's new printer came in. I am not sure why the box was so big.

LOL! that is hilarious!
Tiggs, at 4:17 PM
What an enormous box! Prince E sounds like a keeper!! Does he blog? Have a great holiday!
Rae, at 6:06 AM
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