Blog for Choice Day
Today is Blog For Choice Day. The idea being that all over the blogosphere people write in support of Roe v. Wade. It is sad that in the year 2006, it is still a real and major concern that a woman's right to choose could be in jeopardy. It is sad that this country seems like it is moving backward, rather than moving forward, on many issues. Take some time and click on the link above to check out hundreds of blogs that are showing support for Roe v. Wade today and take a moment to re-examine your own views on the subject and how you came to them, whatever those views might be. I saw a feature about Gloria Steinem this morning on a news program. Listening to her reminded me not just how far the feminist movement has come, but how much further we still have to go.
Thanks for blogging for choice and I couldn't agree more. Would it be too ironic to say we need to pray that the Christian right lose its power some time soon?
21st Century Mom, at 10:50 AM
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